Duck Race News

What’s New For ’25: Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

For 2025, The Great Estes Park Duck Race is offering several sponsorship opportunities:

Associate Sponsor ($100+)
Offered to anyone who wishes to support the work of the duck race.

Associate Sponsors will be identified as a group within select event publicity and promotion (race week press release, social media post and livestream video production).

Major Sponsor ($500)
Offered to households and organizations who wish to support the work of the duck race in a bigger way, and with a higher level of visibility than the Associate Sponsorship level.

Major Sponsors will be publicized individually on social media and race day advertising. In addition, they will receive a window cling indicating their sponsorship and a personalized “big duck” for display in their home or place of business.

Merchant Partner ($750+)
Something new for 2025, the Merchant Partner Program is available to merchants open for business on race day, who wish to actively participate as part of the event. 

Event Sponsor ($1,000+)
Available to select local businesses or organizations who desire prominent co-branding exposure within a portion of the venue or associated with a specific event feature, such as an entertainment act or an activity.

Community Supporter 
Available to local businesses or organizations who can commit to providing direct support to event production by resourcing a specific activity, feature or function. 

Choose any of the links above for more details and to start the sponsorship process.